Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Women Safety Tips: Hazardous Areas Part 2

Hazardous Areas cont'd

Routines: Try not to set them. It is very easy to get into this typical routine. Take the kids to school by 8 AM and drop by the post office by 8:15. Stop by the nursing home to see grandma at 9 and then come home to feed and take care of animals. These routines are very easy for an assailant to observe and anticipate. Find and take alternate routes to work. This may even come in handy in case of storm or flood!

Children and car seats: Check out your surroundings before reaching inside with your child. Imagine for a moment how vulnerable a person is when their hands are full with a baby with three quarters of the body, leaned over and restricted inside the car.

Office & home: NEVER admit to being the only one in. Think how alone the phrase, "I'm sorry, they won't be back until 2:30" sounds. If your office isn’t equipped with an alarm or even simple pepper spray, speak to your employer. Remember, there is nothing in the office that is worth losing your life over. If it is a robbery, give them the money and send them on their way. If the assailant is interested in more than robbery, keep your head and look for possible weapons around you. Things such as pencils, scissors, telephones, potted plants, and anything else you can get a hold of.

Jogging trails: Joggers are great at setting routines. They also enjoy the cooler evening and night temperatures. Add to that, headphones and music that dulls the senses. Whenever possible, take the dog, recruit a friend or spouse. Don’t go jogging alone in secluded areas. When you do go, try to keep one of the personal alarms (pepper spray, pen, etc.) with you. Even things like a rolled up newspaper, can make an effective weapon.

Sixth sense: LISTEN TO THIS! If there is a nagging thought of not entering a house, garage, or building, don't do it. If something tells you to look around, walk faster or even run, then listen to it. There is usually a reason. Is it not better for strangers to wonder if you’re "odd" than to end up in a ditch?

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