Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Super Bowl Commericals Part 2: The Good

Part 2: The Good

These are more commericals that I felt were pretty good and funny:

1. American Heart Association
2. Garmin Maps: the first things I thought was The Power Rangers
3. Budweiser with dog
4. Coke video game
5. Snickers: Quick do something manly
6. Sierra Mist "beard comb over"
7. Sierra Mist Karate
8. Coke Nursing Home
9. Schick Quattro
10. Jessica Simpson Pizza Hut: very cute who needs the red carpet when you can have pizza
11. Ford F-450: I like how the truck it getting put together
12. Ford Edge: not new, but I like thought it was beautiful
13. Doritos crash: romantic comedy
14. Chevy with all the different people singing
15. Bud Light Rock Paper Sissors
16. Bud Light Wedding
17. Blockbuster Online Access: very funny
18. Oprah and Dave Letterman NFL ad

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