Friday, November 27, 2009

Holiday Time = Good Cause PR

How was your Thanksgiving? I really enjoyed it. Spent time with my family and enjoyed the all the great food. Thanksgiving really makes me reflect on all the good people in my life.

This is also the time of year where you read numerous articles and see various news segments on how people are helping those in need. I saw one early this morning about a toy donation program in Los Angeles that let children borrow toys for free (I'll find out the name of organization). The program is a big help to parents who can not afford to buy new toys and it gives children a chance to play with them then return them for another toy. It also teaches kids responsibility because they are essentially taking care of someone's property.

I also read various articles about churches donating food including turkeys, so families can prepare their own Thanksgiving meal. There are so many good organizations that are genuinely trying to help others such as Toys for Tots. Every year I try to donate be it some of my time, PR skills or monetary (gift or money) to hopefully make some kind of difference with different organizations.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friends and I have started volunteering at a homeless shelter and food kitchen. It feels really good to do this. Although I'm only 15, I feel like I'm making a difference.