Whether you're one of the new recruits or a regular user of public transportation you want to make sure you're safe while riding. With more and more people choosing to ride public transportation be it from downsizing to trying to save the environment it's important to include being safe apart of the daily routine.
To encourage you to stay safe I have provided 13 Public Transportation Safety Tips:
1. When riding the subway, choose one that has passengers (not too over crowded) over one that is nearly empty. Because that nearly empty one might look great for thinking but it might make you an easier target for thieves. If at all possible take a sit near the driver.
2. After getting off the train or bus, notice if someone is following you or just going your way. If you suspect that you are being followed, don't continue walking to your destination (you don't want to let them know where you work or live) go into a store or any other nearby public space and wait to see if they pass by or not. If they continue to follow you, call the police immediately.
3. Stay alert and don't distract yourself by playing your MP3 player, texting or talking on your cell phone. You want to be aware of your surroundings.
4. Be sure to have the exact change or fare ready when the bus arrives. It will keep you from having to open your wallet or purse in public.
5. Know your bus or train schedule, to limit the amount of time spent standing around the terminal or bus stop. If possible go online to your city's Department of Transportation to print off the schedule.
6. If possible avoid isolated bus or train stops. You want to be able to see everything and everyone.
7. Don't doze off on a bus or become too engrossed in a book. It can make you an easy target.
8. Keep your purse, shopping bag, backpack, packages or other belongings in your lap, on your arm, or between your feet. Do not leave them on an empty seat.
9. Be Confident -- look, act and move as though you know where you're going and what you’re doing. This will prevent you from looking like an easy target and may help you avoid potential danger.
10. Watch out for pickpockets while in a bus or train terminal. Avoid carrying a wallet in your hip or easily accessible coat pocket. While, carrying a purse or handbag make sure you have a firm grip or secure it close to your body. Beware of people accidentally bumping into you at busy stations.
11. When taking a taxi, know the exact location and directions of where your going so you are not taking to the wrong location. Also to ensure your own safety, send a text message to a friend or family member letting them know the license plates, driver’s name, and identification number of the taxi driver.
12. Before you accept shortcuts, detours, and special stops, make sure you know where you are, where you were, and where it is you ultimately want to go. Know the route or general direction to your destination.
13. When you get to your destination, ask the driver to wait until you are safely inside or ask to be let out in a well-lit area where there are plenty of people.
One last thing don't let these tips frighten you into paranoia. These tips are to empower you to stay safe and not become a victim.
Sources: Style and Focus PR, about.com, Public Transportation Safety (cityofmobile.org), articlebase.com

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