** 'The Dark Knight' Tickets are Selling Out on Fandango. Fans are Scooping Up Tickets for Late Night Showtimes Scheduled Across the Nation. With less than three weeks remaining till "The Dark Knight" opens on July 18, at 12:01 a.m., Fandango, the nation's leading movie goer destination, is finding that dozens of showtimes for the film are already sold out.
"We are currently seeing a surge in advance ticket sales for 'The Dark Knight'," says Ted Hong, vice president of marketing for Fandango. "It makes sense that there's a rush for tickets, as it's the perfect movie to see on the big screen, as supported by our strong ticket sales for both traditional screens and the larger format in IMAX. We believe the film is appealing to both comic book and action fans, as well as casual movie goers." (Press Release)
** Is the U.S. Patent System Hindering Innovation? The U.S. patent system is not working. It stands accused on all sides of stifling innovation instead of nurturing it. Some critics say the system is fundamentally wrecked, others that it can be fixed. In this new book, "Patent Failure: How Judges, Bureaucrats, and Lawyers Put Innovation at Risk," economist James Bessen and law academic Michael Meurer show that the system no longer provides predictable property rights. They go on to offer solutions based on empirical evidence from history, law and economics.
The authors acknowledge that the crisis is recent: The system worked well into the 1980s until it was undermined by problems with the Patent Office's quality examination, the scrutiny of applications for patents to say if they should be granted. The book laments that the U.S. may be left with a patent system for chemicals and pharmaceuticals and little else. (Los Angeles Times)
** Estee Lauder is aiming to increase its presence in the fast growing market of India by targeting the country's biggest cities. The first stage of the expansion will see the company focus on the Mumbai market, where it is currently opening four freestanding stores. This move will be backed up by targeting two of India's other major metropolises and economic centers, Delhi and Bangalore over the course of the next six months. (Cosmetics Design)
** Magic Johnson's Business Moves Off The Court. John's first business venture was his movie theater which is a big success in Baldwin Hill, CA. His business success has come from focusing on long-ignored urban neighborhoods through his Canyon-Johnson Urban Fund.
Canyon-Johnson, formed in 1998, has financed 31 real estate developments in 13 states. It launched its third and biggest investment fund in April -- and in a matter of weeks drew $1 billion from big investors. Johnson has other ventures in the works. In March, he signed a multi-year marketing deal to help electronics retailer Best Buy Co. bolster sales in urban neighborhoods. (Los Angeles Times)
** Lauren Conrad of MTV's "The Hills" has designed a "Have a Heart" necklace for charity which will be available this fall. The necklace priced at $22.00, will benefit the Girls m.powerment Campaign, with a full 90% of net proceeds from each sale going directly to the group. (People Magazine)

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