Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Are Skinny Models being discriminated?

by Lifestyle Guru

With all the bans on skinny models happening around the world (except the USA at the moment) are they being discrimated against? But what about the models that are naturally thin? The ones that are not doing unhealthy things to remain thin.

I saw an interview on a fashion television show where a runway coordinator made a comment that if the models had eating disorders they would not be able to complete all the shows because they (skinny models) would not have the energy.

In their defense, I am naturally thin and it took several years after graduating from college to reach the triple digits. I would always get asked do you eat (which is so rude) or you must not eat enough (again rude). I do eat. I love food and I love to cook.

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1 comment:

Rob said...

Against. Discriminated against.