Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Some Tips for Donating your Books

Are your books or even your children's books starting to pile up? Why not donate them. I'm a big reader and from time to time my books start to pile up on the book shelf. I like to donate some of the ones that I have read to my local library. I also support the library by checking out books so I'm not spending all of my money on books.

Donating books gives someone else the chance to read them and allows you to free up space. No matter which organization you plan on donating your books to it's best to contact them to see what's acceptable. However most libraries will not accept text books or encyclopedias because they can become very dated since they are updated regularly.

Some suggestion for donating your books (please feel free to recommend more):

1. Donate your books to your local library or school. You can also, donate your books to a library or school in a poorer district. The children and the facilities would truly appreciate it.

2. If your child has a lot of extra books maybe you can contact your local children's hospital or schools to see if they accept books. It helps kids feel like they are helping others and doing their part to better the world.

3. You can go online and search for organizations that accept book donations.

4. Check with your local church to see if they accept children books.
5. Don't forget you can donate books to charitable organizations such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc.

6. If donating your own books is not an option you can also donate fund such as to the Louisana Library Foundation which offers help to Louisiana’s public libraries from the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Many of the libraries still have to be rebuilt and currently can not receive donations of books because they do not have any place to put them. All financial donations can be mailed to the:

Louisiana Library Foundation
PO Box 2583
Baton Rouge, LA 70821

The Louisiana Library Foundation, a non-profit agency under the auspices of the State Library, is governed by a board of trustees. The Foundation’s purpose is to supports public library programs and services.

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Leslie said...

FYI - this post is being highlighted in the weekly Carnival of Hurricane Relief - hosted this week at Katrina Networking.

Book Girl said...

Thank you Leslie, I just try to write things that I hope are helpful, informative and interesting.

Good luck with the Carnival of Hurricane Relief. Feel free to e-mail me ( the outcome of the Carnival so I can pass it on to the readers.