Friday, August 8, 2008

Style and Focus Weekend: Avoid a Food Rut

This weekend why not indulge your taste buds with new cuisines:

Staying In:

Why not try a new recipe? It doesn't have to be anything difficult or demanding just something to give your taste buds a new experience. There are thousands of recipes online as well as many different cook books you can find. Try seasonal fruits and vegetables. To keep it fun invite friends over and have each bring an ingredient from the different recipes. Keep the party going by setting the table with decor of the meals theme.

Going Out:

Instead of going to the same old restaurant and trying the same old thing why not go some place different. Dine out at an Indian, French, Mexican, Japanese, Greek or any of the restaurants you normally just pass bye. Maybe you've been dieing to try tandoori chicken, yellowtail sushi or luscious French pastries but you've been too afraid, take a risk, you're taste buds just might thank you. You never know it might become your new favorite meal or restaurant.

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