Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Life: Just on my mind

I hope eveyone had a great Labor Day weekend. I had a fabulous time and the Tea Party I gave on Saturday was so much fun.

I don't really have time today but in a couple of days I'm going to post a few of my favorite fall collections.

Over lunch I was flipping through my Sept. issue of Teen Vogue and there are a few things that stuck out:
-- Quite a lot of celebrity filled ads promoting everything from clothing to perfume
-- That Anne Hathaway has a good head on her shoulders
-- Chace Crawford is adorable (more on him in a later post) and may give me another reason for watching "Gossip Girl" in a couple of weeks
-- Also, who ever the marketing genius was that suggested shrinking Teen Vogue, I hope they got a raise because by making it smaller you make it more convenient to carry. You can easily carry it in your handbag, tote or bookbag. Plus, it stands out amongs all the other magazines.

Another thing that came to mind was, Fashion should not be taken so seriously like it's shown on "The Fashionista Diaries". The Director of Seventh House PR Mandie Erickson should really take a look at herself inside and out before she starts demeaning others based on looks and appearance such as with making comments about the new girl Laurie's shoes. She should also stop descriminating against others based on where they live such as with Nicole who lives in Queens. I lose respect for people like her, who look down their nose at people they don't deem worthy.

Even though it's a TV show, Ugly Betty's Betty Suarez has to deal with people that judge her based on the fact that she's from Queens and she has to work harder than the others to justify her working there. I know it's my opinion but I think it's wrong to do that.

I will probably have to tape "Lincoln Heights" because I'm going to a fundraiser tonight to benefit childhood cancers. Tomorrow, I will post some of my fall essentials.

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