Monday, August 27, 2007

Cleaning and Organizing for the Girl on the Go

You're running late for work because:

a) You don't have a thing to wear--because you haven't done your laundry in ages.
b) You misplaced your keys for the umptenth time.
c) Misplaced your import project, file, etc.
d) All of the above.

Just because you're really busy shouldn't be an excuse for living in a cluttered and messy place. I know after a long day the last thing you want to do is clean but it shows that you take pride in your home and your personal belongings.

Why live in fear of uninvited guests stopping by or being late for a date because that perfect dress never got to the cleaners. Though most people don't enjoy cleaning or organizing, it shouldn't be seen as a big chore. To get you started, professional organizer and host of Discovery Home's Neat, Hellen Buttigieg has provided her top ten tips for getting your home organized. Short of hiring a house keeper, there are some things you can do daily and weekly such as:

- Picking up things off the floor
- Hanging up your clothes instead of tossing them on a chair
- Washing the dishes instead of letting them pile up in the sink

- Vacuum, it shouldn't take more than 30 minutes unless you have a huge house
- Clean the bathroom

Hellen Buttigieg's 10 tips to organizing your home:

1. DESIGNATE a specific place to keep your keys. This should be near the exit that you use most. Keep them on a hook on the wall, or in a bowl on a nearby table.

2. REDUCE your paper clutter by getting off mailing lists, canceling seldom-read catalogues or magazines, and paying your bills electronically.

3. SORT your mail as soon as you bring it home. Have a designated spot set up with a sorting system that works for your family.

4. LABEL all 4 sides of stacked boxes. This allows you to find what you want without hauling them all down.

5. STORE frequently used items at eye level. Place heavy items you use less often below eye level and light items above to make retrieval easier.

6. STORE hats, gloves, scarves and sunglasses in baskets on a shelf near the exit you use most. If you have children, designate a different colored basket for each member of the family or use shipping tags and twine to label them.

7. REPLACE round storage containers with square or rectangular ones. They hold more than the round ones while taking up the same amount of space. Use attractive wicker baskets, colorful cardboard boxes or even vintage luggage to contain your items.

8. TRANSFER everything from rice to cotton balls out of their clumsy packaging and into attractive glass canisters that can be kept right on the counter if cupboard space is limited. Consider using canning jars in different sizes as well.

9. KEEP items in the areas you use them. For example, store bills where you pay them and books where you do your reading.

10. GROUP similar items together. For example, place all hair products in one container and all bath products in another.

Follow these 10 steps, and you will be well on your way to a more organized, relaxing and inviting home.

Hellen Buttigieg is a professional organizer, life coach, TV personality and the president of We Organize U. Sign up to receive Hellen’s free monthly electronic newsletter with tips on organizing your home, your office and your life simply by visiting her official website, We Organize U.

Telephone: 905-829-2219

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